
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Setting the Record Straight by Documenting the Business Disruption

In the last year alone, this country has had more than its share of natural disasters—floods, wildfires, hurricanes and tornadoes have wreaked havoc on homes and businesses.  Human error and malfeasance account for immeasurable workplace disruptions as well.  We’ve seen computer hackings that shut down servers, electrical fires, accidents related to substance abuse and even terrorist attacks.  As a business owner, it is imperative that you be proactive and put into place a plan for emergencies that will not only ensure the safety of your staff, but also protect you from liability down the line.  Few companies take the time to instate a comprehensive business continuity plan that fully covers emergency preparedness in the event of a natural disaster, or other major business disruption.  The goal of the plan should be twofold; put a team in place so that operations can smoothly and successfully resume at the end of the interruption, and, just as important, make sure that the proper documentation procedures are followed to avoid liability or a possible lawsuit. Read more!

David Samuels, Bob Mellinger, Michelman & Robinson LLP, Attainium Corp

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